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8 little guys impressed us all
Published on March 7, 2004 By Dynosoar In Home & Family
! minute and 37 seconds !!!!!
That's all the time it took to sart a fire from scratch, using flint and steel !!!

4 minutes 30 seconds to construct and raise a 30 ft flag pole !!!!

Blue ribbons are in these boys future !!!

The team building exersises went great, the food was fantastic,and everyone had a great time. Even a brief rainshower couldn't manage to dampen the spirit.

Had a great fire burning all day, interesting conversations covering current topics, nice debate among the adults.
Last evening the older boys cooked a cherry cobbler in a dutch oven, an excellent treat to enjoy as the as the new guys performed
a few camp fire skits. After a few quick teambuilding games ( the human knot, and blind chariot races ) we had the guys clean up and crash for the night. ( Another great sign that our older boys had taught the new boys well - No rain in the tents, a dry night for all )
Coffee, conversations leaning toward female compatibility( divorce), daycare owner liability( I'll more than likely write another blog on that subject) mass media and their influence on our boys, "urban culture", and how the Super Bowl Half Time Show should be the watershed mark for the decline of the "urban culture", and the eventual return of conservative family values ( no, Dan Qualle was not present )
The most heated debate however concerned the subject of mandatory nuetering/spaying of dogs and cats. Our Scoutmaster operates a rescue shelter in association with the Humane Society, his position is that all pets should be neutered/spayed unless the owner purchases a "breeders licence", his arguement that abandoned/unwanted animals were a direct result of irresponsible owners.
The overwhelming retort was the legislation/regulation of an individuals right to the uses of ones property ( pet ) was restrictive on that individuals rights. Just because some are irresponsible doesn't give the government the authority to regulate everyone.
The arguement of the NRA was presented as a comparison based on the slippery slope theory;
Let them regulate my gun, and soon they will ban my gun, and then only the government would have guns, and I therefore could not defend myself against my government. ( Pre-Nazi Germany was given as an example of total gun control, and the effect of an unarmed citizenry )
Whoa, Got off track, this is a Scouting blog.....
Packed up this morning after a breakfast of scrambled eggs,cheese, and salmon, served with a side of creamy grits( if requested I can provide the proper way to prepare grits, a true southern delicacy, not the wallpaper paste you get at Denny's ).
Our guys, practicing "Leave no Trace" camping rules scoured the area for any trash, and like true scouts, left it looking better than when we arrived.
Next blog is the art of the grit.

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