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Yesterday I couldn't spell MBA, now I are one
Published on March 5, 2004 By Dynosoar In Home & Family
I am currently enrolled at Thomas Edison State College ( TESC ), attempting to formalize my education. TESC is one of the few online schools that are truly accredited, with full transferibility to real "brick and motar"Universities. The courses are not at all easy, the mentors and instructors are helpful, and it's fairly inexpensive. I pay $4200.00 annually which covers all tuition, books average about $150.00 per course, and you can earn as many credits as you like. ( John Bear @ earned 96 credit hours in 1 year, combining testing, transfers, and portfolio work as well as course work ).
I found TESC through Bears Guide to Distance Learning ( no, this is not an ad for Bear ) He reccomended Regents in NY as well, but very few others.
Since enrolling I have been bombarded with pop ups as I sign in on the school website, there seems to be unlimited educational resources out there on the internet.
I will not name names, but no fewer than 10 promise a degree, complete with transcript, in weeks!!! I have been "pre-qualified" to receive an MBA, a Divinity Doctorate, JD, BSBA, CPA, and MD, OBGYN. !!!!!
I really appreciate the fact that these sources have investigated my past so well as to realize my qualifications, but, then we get to the price of the diploma.........The least expensive degree, from a "State approved center for continuing ed" is a BSBA for a meager $1800.00 _ complete w/ transcripts and "guaranteed verification" by phone,fax,or mail.
The whopper is a toss-up between the JD and the MD, both from a school "Fully accredited by the government of ( some 3rd world country) All documentation including internships, Bar exam, pictures in the School Annual for your periods of study, Fraternal membership, notes and reccomendations by faculty and staff, on and on.........just $10,000.00.
But I thought Med School cost 100's of 1000's, and years of study? Could they really think I'm that good?
I mean I can understand the JD, I've certainly talked my way out of more than my fair share of speeding tickets, but OBGYN ? I guess with 5 children, 3 being girls.....maybe they meant to qualify me for Pediatrics ......who am I to question their logical and professional expertise, they're the academics, not me, certainly they wouldn't bestow upon me a degree that I didn't somehow earn.
I mean if I pay for it, that means I earned it. Right?
The way I figure is for about 15k I could print on my business card " Rev.Dr. Dynosoar, MD,OBGYN,JD,CPA esquire".
I can just hear it now,

"Praise the Lord ! ( in of course a non-threatening, and non-contractual manner ) lets check out that nasty vaginal discharge ( but first sign this hold harmless agreement )as we hold hands sing "Amazing Grace".and I complete your forms for 2003..........."

It's really scary to think that some people have utilized these services, the MD and JD would probably be caught by their professional associations, but what about the Accounting, MBA, or Divinity degrees?

Caveat Emptor.

on Mar 05, 2004
Yea, I've found that schools, as credentials, don't always matter. Someone once suggested to me that I go for an MBA or a masters in computer science. Why?
on Mar 05, 2004
As an over 40 starting over guy, I have found that experience is just not enough ( they're just not hiring), Every interview I have gone to as of late I have been classified as either over or under Qualified. The positions that I feel I would be best at seem to want that MBA in order to validate my otherwise perfect credentials.
I loved it when I was self-employeed, but for reasons I've posted before, I just can't go there anymore.
One problem I failed to point out in my post is all of these diploma mills on the internet have devalued the online degree I am presently seeking, Creating the illusion that all degrees on-line are suspect at best.