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The Scout Law is the basis of character education
Published on November 24, 2004 By Dynosoar In Current Events
In light of the recent ACLU attacks on Boy Scouts, and the ordering of the cessation of military support for the Boy Scouts, I felt it appropriate to share the text of a speech I recently gave at a Scouting event.

I saw a bumper sticker at the Camporee this weekend that really made me think, it said, “ America is returning to the values that Scouting never left”. When you consider that exit polls from the Presidential election indicated that “Moral Values” were a high priority for voters, you have to wonder if that bumper sticker is right.
What are the values of Scouting you may ask? They are our Scout oath and Scout Law.
The Scout Oath is as follows;
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty, to God and my country.
To obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times,
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

The Scout Law is;
A Scout is trustworthy
and reverent
Let’s consider what we are saying when we recite the scout law; the first law is, A scout is trustworthy.
Trustworthy means that you are worthy of another persons trust .It means that you are honest; that what you say is your bond. Trustworthy means you are dependable and that others can count on you. It means that you respect others property.
Loyal is the next Scout Law. Loyalty is being true to your family, friends, and fellow Scouts, and your nation. It is doing your best to support them, and follow their direction. Loyal is taking a stand and sticking to it, and never switching sides.
A Scout is Helpful is the next law, this is simple, a scout is concerned about other people. A scout does things for others without expecting pay or reward. Do a Good Turn Daily is the scout slogan and this spells out the scout spirit of being helpful. Our service projects are perfect examples, picking up litter, cleaning out a vacant lot, recycling, they are all helpful to our community.
Friendly, a scout is a friend to all. This means to accept others as they are, to respect others customs and ideas, and to seek understanding. To be a real friend you must respect others differences.
That law is followed by Courteous, which means being polite to everyone regardless of age or position. Good manners will always make it easier for everyone to get along together. Saying “yes sir”, “thank you” and “please” are keys to gaining the respect of others.
Kind, this law reveals that there is strength in being gentle. Everyone has heard that you can catch more ants with honey than with vinegar; it’s the same with kindness. Kindness is treating others, as you would like to be treated. Being kind is the basis of all of the Scout laws.
Obedient, this is the law most of us tend to have trouble with. It means you follow the rules, that you obey the laws of your community and nation. If we think a law is unfair we work to have it changed in an orderly manner instead of ignoring or disobeying it. Well, I would venture a guess that we have all bent a rule or two lately, leaders speeding to work, scouts not listening, little things, at least this law reminds us to think before we act.
Cheerful, this law goes hand in hand with friendly. It means that a scout always looks for the bright side in any situation. A scout knows that griping and complaining never helps. Do you really think the grouches in the world are happy?
Thrifty, this means much more than squeezing a dollar. A scout is wise in the use of his and others time. He does not waste his resources, and he takes care of things. Thrifty also means taking care of our world, recycling, conserving our natural resources, and living by our outdoor code.
Brave is the scout law of courage. A scout can face danger even if he is afraid. This could be an emergency situation, or the courage to stand for what you think is right, even if others laugh or threaten you. Many of you have had others make fun of you, even making fun of scouting, Being brave is also the power to say no to drugs, to not follow the crowd, to stand by your Scout oath.
Clean is the law that not only means being clean of body, but clean of mind as well. It is just as important to wear clean clothes, as it is to have clean thoughts. Cursing, dirty jokes, or suggestive songs have no place in the life of a scout, nor associating with those that do. It has been said that if you lie with dogs you’re bound to get fleas, so if you’re hanging with the wrong folks their bad habits will wear off on you. Being clean also means choose your friends wisely.
Finally, the scout law that many outside of scouting have trouble with, a scout is reverent. What does this mean? It means that you believe in a god, and that you are faithful to your god, and you respect the beliefs of others. It means much more than going to a church. Reverence is shown in the way you act every day. You live by the moral code of your religion.
People worship in many different ways, and some may be very different than your own. To show disrespect for the beliefs of others is to make a mockery of all religions, including your own.
So, do you think America is returning to our values? Look around you tomorrow, has anything changed overnight? Probably not, but change takes time, and who knows, maybe that bumper sticker will really be true.

Now, I realize by advocating such radical thinking the Boy Scouts are apt to produce terribly responsible young men, and that would be just awful, right?????

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 24, 2004
Oh how I love it when the scouts tell me just how good they are. Maybe someday I'll even believe them. The Red Sox won the series, so hey, anything can happen. Let's begin.

"Loyal is the next Scout Law. Loyalty is being true to your family, friends, and fellow Scouts, and your nation. It is doing your best to support them, and follow their direction."

Unless they're gay.

"Loyal is taking a stand and sticking to it, and never switching sides."

Even if your stand is wrong?

"Friendly, a scout is a friend to all. This means to accept others as they are, to respect others customs and ideas, and to seek understanding. To be a real friend you must respect others differences."

Respect, yes. Actually including them into your elite morally righteous society, no. We can't get crazy with this inclusion stuff, after all.

"Clean is the law that not only means being clean of body, but clean of mind as well. It is just as important to wear clean clothes, as it is to have clean thoughts. Cursing, dirty jokes, or suggestive songs have no place in the life of a scout, nor associating with those that do. It has been said that if you lie with dogs you’re bound to get fleas, so if you’re hanging with the wrong folks their bad habits will wear off on you. Being clean also means choose your friends wisely."

Yes, we wouldn't want anyone catching Gay, or Atheist, or Agnostic, or any of those other horrible dirty mental diseases one can get from hanging around the wrong people. By the way, is cursing as a part of church okay, because I know some priests who have been throwing damn around like you wouldn't believe...

"Finally, the scout law that many outside of scouting have trouble with, a scout is reverent. What does this mean? It means that you believe in a god, and that you are faithful to your god, and you respect the beliefs of others. It means much more than going to a church. Reverence is shown in the way you act every day. You live by the moral code of your religion.
People worship in many different ways, and some may be very different than your own. To show disrespect for the beliefs of others is to make a mockery of all religions, including your own."

Some people worship Satan. Some people worship nature. Some people worship science. They all worship a god, they all live by the moral code of their religion. How many of them in the scouts?

on Nov 25, 2004
Scouting, as apposed to the lack of any other character training, is by far the least worst option for young men.
As to the exclusion of gay leaders, a private organization has the right to bar any group it desires, and adopt whatever moral code it wishes to expound.
Reverence, and the acceptance of any omnipotent diety, is about as agnostic as you can get, and the moral code utilized by scouting is based on the "golden rule", a universally accepted directive that is present in nearly every recognized religion.

on Nov 25, 2004

i was only 2 badges away from eagle when i left the scouts.  altho i was only 14 at the time, id been in scouts since i was old enough to be a cub scout and i held the top position (junior assistant scoutmaster? sorry, ive forgotten) available to a non-adult leader.  there were several reasons i got out, the most important of which was a different sort of discrimination: against black kids rather than gay kids (altho noone with any sense woulda admitted to being gay)  my troop was in an all white suburb and the adult leaders routinely told racist jokes and made disparaging remarks about black people. 

it wasnt til about 5 years later that i came across what seems to be irrefutable evidence that baden-powell was very much in denial about his own bisexuality (altho he enaged in sex with men when not on british soil) as well as his on-the-record obsession with adolescent male sexuality  (he was obsessed with the dangers of masturbation...unless the scout handbook has been radically revised, a quick check of the 'a scout is clean' section will evidence the truth of that contention.

there are disturbing hints of similarity between baden-powell's kinks and those of the founders of early 20th century germany's wandervogel which matured into the brownshirted sa headed by roehm (which is not to say the scouts as an organization are at all similar...just an interesting historical footnote connecting each group's founders).

in any event, while the scouts certainly have the right (as a private organization) to require members to adhere to their standards, they limit their appeal by requiring any commitment from a kid of that age to a spiritual belief system that may contradict that of his family. furthermore, by insisting on forcing out kids who deviate from the official scout spiritual credo, they are actually acting counter to the constitutional principle they claim to uphold and support.

it's not that the scouts never left america's core values but that they are attempting to instill values have only existed in the minds of those who insist on altering those principles originally proclaimed by our country's founders in our constitution.

on Nov 25, 2004
Scouting recognizes no specific religion, there are optional religious commendations for every protestant sect, as well as Muslim, Catholic, Buddist, and Hindu.
Scouting recognizes only the existence of a God, no particular faith is professed or endorsed.

I do not want to get into the nature vs nurture arguement, but Scouting looks at homosexuality as a lifestyle choice, and a morally deficient example for young men.

My personal opinion is that the underlying issue of homosexuality in Scouting is one of liability. The first section of the Scout handbook is now a family pull-out concerning youth protection.
Scouting requires that no scout under 18 yrs old can be alone with an adult. At all times contact has to be no less than 2 deep ( two scouts or two leaders ) Separate facilities for sleeping, shower, and restrooms are required, all adult volunteers are subject to formal background checks, and can have no contact with scouts until the checks are completed by local law enforcement.

Further, I find scouting can be relatively expensive to participate in, and without adequate outside funding, it can be economically discriminatory. This situation alone further intensifies my displeasure with groups that attack scouting, for when they belittle the positive effects of Scouting, they scare off the donations of the timid.

Major contributions to Scouting by the likes of Levi Strauss, Wells Fargo, and Coca Cola have ceased due to pressure from groups such as the ACLU, even in Chapel Hill, NC the local school board has refused to allow scouting access to their buildings for meeting purposes( while groups as diverse as the NAACP and the Gay Student Union have access ).

One wonders why an atheist would want to join a group that recognizes a god ? What purpose does it serve to belong to a group that believes and practices the moral code of what you do not believe in?
It makes about as much sense as a vegetarian food critic at a BBQ .
on Nov 25, 2004
As to the exclusion of gay leaders, a private organization has the right to bar any group it desires, and adopt whatever moral code it wishes to expound.

Yes they do. However, by doing so, they lose the right to hoist themselves onto their self-proclaimed high horse as a bastion righteousness for all.

I do not want to get into the nature vs nurture arguement, but Scouting looks at homosexuality as a lifestyle choice, and a morally deficient example for young men.

on Nov 26, 2004

the local school board has refused to allow scouting access to their buildings for meeting purposes( while groups as diverse as the NAACP and the Gay Student Union have access ).

One wonders why an atheist would want to join a group that recognizes a god

first of all, if im the one whom you felt brought the gay issue into the discussion, i apologize for the confusion.  i didnt intend that...was just offering some observations about baden-powell. 

the topic is, after all, about scouting's values and i clearly conceded the group's right to reject potential members who arent going to act in accord with scouting rules--as long as they dont expect use of government property when their rules conflict with the first amendment and constitutional protections.   in response to your question about athiests who wish to join bsa, i hate to pose another question but...why would a private organization that doesnt comply with the letter and spirit of the first amendment want access to a government building in which their noncompliance is not acceptable.  the naacp and gay rights groups--who do comply with the first amendment--are permitted to use a state-owned facility as long as there is no other reason for their exclusion. 

it's very simple.  as is your incorrect assertion that bsa represents values that it clearly doesnt support..

on Nov 26, 2004
Scouting meets the criteria to be considered a "Faith based initiative", and should be accorded the same rights as other organizations so designated.

Why is it though, that a minority of citizenry who have adopted social mores that are at odds with the morals of Scouting, which are accepted by the vast majority of the population, bent on the restriction, if not destruction of this youth service program?

Scouting in no way attacks the lifestyle choices of any group it disagrees with, rather it promotes the tolerance required for all
of society to acknowledge those who are different.
But, that tolerance does not promote or celebrate those lifestyle choices that differ from those espoused by Scouting.

Simply put, I know there are athiest and gays, I acknowledge them, and their right to exist, I wish them well in life, but I do not agree with their philosophy or lifestyle, so I choose to not associate with them, and I support an organization that reflects that same opinion.
on Nov 26, 2004
How can you be someone's friend if you don't associate with them?

Look, I don't care what your point of view is or what your organization wants to do. Exclude who you want, accept who you want, its your choice. But I don't go around saying that I'm more righteous than anyone else for my beliefs. I'd appreciate it if the BSA didn't do the same because of theirs, especially those that they can't seem to explain.
on Nov 26, 2004

Scouting meets the criteria to be considered a "Faith based initiative", and should be accorded the same rights as other organizations so designated

i dont believe faith-based organizations are permitted to require those they serve to declare their religious affiliation or lack thereof.  when the bsa revises its policy, the problem goes away.

on Nov 27, 2004
The Scout Law is;
A Scout is trustworthy
and reverent

there ya go everything the lunitics fr5om the secular left hate.
on Nov 27, 2004
Thanks for the post MM, I thought I was awash in a sea of secular humanistic hubris.
on Nov 27, 2004
and reverent

there ya go everything the lunitics fr5om the secular left hate.

You are so wrong; so completely ignorant about the secular left; so presumptuous to think you know what the secular left is about.

Philomedy summed up the argument against the BSA, their patronizing and sanctimonious nature, very well. I will leave it at that.
on Nov 27, 2004

You are so wrong; so completely ignorant about the secular left; so presumptuous to think you know what the secular left is about. why don't you show us exactly what the secular left IS about?  Because all I see is hatred and intolerance.  What else are we expected to think when that's all are consistently shown?

on Nov 27, 2004 why don't you show us exactly what the secular left IS about? Because all I see is hatred and intolerance. What else are we expected to think when that's all are consistently shown?

dharmagrl, I'm going to take you up on this. I really don't know why all you see is hatred and intolerance, and I know that I have a tendency to rant about my disdain for the Bush administration and how much I can't understand, for the life of me, how people cannot see what I see. I do realize this is one of my shortcomings. No doubt. But, the secular left is not about hatred and intolerance. I will get back to you on this.............
on Nov 27, 2004
dharmagrl, I'm going to take you up on this. I really don't know why all you see is hatred and intolerance, and I know that I have a tendency to rant about my disdain for the Bush administration and how much I can't understand, for the life of me, how people cannot see what I see. I do realize this is one of my shortcomings. No doubt. But, the secular left is not about hatred and intolerance. I will get back to you on this.............

If the secular left does not want to be known for hatred and intolerance, then they cannot embrace such traits. Whether or not you realize it, you do it yourself, and whether or not you want to be a representative of the secular left, you are one, because you are part of the group.
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