THE definitive site for the over 40 "starting over" crowd. Rambling rumbles of all description, refusing to be left behind.
blah humbug
Published on December 23, 2003 By Dynosoar In Home & Family
It's not even Christmas yet I wish it were March.
My personal contribution to the up-turn in the economy is staggering, I mean every retailer for 30 miles should send me options and prospectus with the ammount of investment my wife has shelled out this season.
Thank God we have no credit cards !!! But the cash flow is so weak I may need to , ugh, get a job.....
I've soo enjoyed retirement and school but life, and it's subsequent cost, continue unabated. I still have over a year left of full-time classes to finish an MBA with an ACCREDITED school , and that doesn't pay well while in progress.
Any life experience degrees out there worth a crap?
I'm currently enrolled in Thomas Edison State College, good program, not too expensive, rather rapid but still time consuming....
Any suggestions, other than bankrobbery or the lottery?
on Dec 27, 2003
I don't mean to be off topic, but I read a comment you made on lawyering and the percentage of lawyers in politics. Sometime go look up the "missing thirteenth Amendment" and it will blow you away. This was an amendment passed before the War of 1812 which was to bar all lawyers from holding public office, for reasons I won't go into here. It was actually successfully ratified when Virginia sent their vote to Congress after the War. It has actually been removed from the Constitution though - BY LAWYERS of course - and replaced with the 'Civil War amendments' we now read. It's an interesting sidelight of our history and debated annually in colleges that encounter it in study. Someday we may be able to resurrect it and get these leeches out of our Government again. I post this here as I have not found how to e-mail you or comment otherwise. So sorry folks, and now we return to your regular programming.