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Active participation wanes.....
Published on December 15, 2003 By Dynosoar In Blogging
At this time of Holiday Cheer, goodwill, and associated warmth I present a reality check of sorts....

First, let me point out that this is personal observation on a local level, no investigative research went into this ,it is nothing more than my opinion, your area may experience armies of good deed doers, but I doubt it.

The US Junior Chamber of Commerce is a service organization that is dedicated to teaching leadership by way of community service to 21-39 year olds. The chapters in my community had a history going back to the 50's. They are no more, membership dwindled as long time members aged out and no one joined to replace them. As a past president of a local chapter I know that recruiting used to rely on corporate sponsorship,that began to shrink as community service became easier to achieve by just writting a check, time restrictions were put on potential members and " knife and fork" luncheon groups were more popular.
Nothing against the Rotary, or the Optimist, or the Lions, But these groups are primarily" hands- off", contact and referal organizations that equate community service with writting a check.
The check they write then pays for a needed service, but the impact of their donation is diluted because someone is paid to proform the needed service. Example;
A local park was "adopted" by a luncheon group, members were assessed X dollars each, and a landscaper was contracted to "beautify" the area( the landscaper also happened to be a member of the group too).
By their accounting $1500.00 was spent on materials,over $9000.00 was spent on labor.
How many other parks could have been "beautified" if this group comprised of over 200 would have done the labor themselves? ( 6 more by utilizing simple math, less sweat equity )
How much more could their members have learned if they had to plan, and implement the project themselves? The skills of leadership, management, and teamwork are lost to the whim of the pen across the club checkbook. The only personal development was that of the landscaper who got the inside bid....

Boy Scouts of America has been the target of many detractors as of late. It is , in my opinion, a great organization, dedicated to developing moral charactor in young men.
Yes God is mentioned in the oath, and reverence is one of the Scout laws. But no one God is specified, respect and understanding for all religion is implied and promoted. It is not a "faith based" program.
Scouting teaches young men life skills. Merit Badges ( akin to continuing ed ) required for the rank of Eagle Scout are courses in Citizenship in the World, Nation, and Community. Boys are required to know their local state and national leaders. They are required to understand the workings of International Groups such as the UN, WHO, and Red Cross.
How many 13 yr olds do you think know who their Town council members are?
Eagle Scouts are required to be versed in Public safety, Lifesaving, First Aid, Personal Management, Communications, Enviromental Science, and Family Life. These boys will learn to speak in public, balance a check book, survive in an emergency, develop a respect for their surroundings, and to participate in a household.
Not a bad criteira, yet, when this program is presented to parents and boys, the appeal is tarnished by the dedication of time required.
Seems Scouting gets in the way of Soccer, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Skating, Roller Hockey, or , Scouting isn't cool, or camping is too cold/hot/wet/uncomfortable. That's the parents reaction as well, adding a lack of time and resources.
Finding good leadership, and keeping that leadership isn't easy either. Scouting requires a background check of all adult leaders, and then it requires training of those leaders. The typical time required of an adult leader is 30 to 40 hours a month, more if a weekend outing is scheduled.
It's so rewarding though ! Not monetarily, but to see a young man develop into a responsible adult, to know that you help put someone on the right track, especially some who could be considered "high-risk", that is rewarding.
These result are seen every day. Socio-economically disadvantaged boys are "lifted" from their surroundings, treated fairly and equally ( why do you think the scouts still have uniforms ) and when they stick with the program, they succeed in life with the tools they develop in Scouting.
No, I do not have statistical data to back up that last statement. I do have the personal experience of leading over 150 Scouts over the last 10 years and I have seen 1st hand the results. Scholarships, Public recognition, personal responsiblity, and stable employment are the norm and not the exception. PLUS, not a single criminal record !!!!! These young men must be doing something right.
With a record like that why is it that Scouting is continually lacking in participation, support, and positive public opinion?

Giving of ones time, and money, are not of equal importance. Your time means much more.
Without volunteers the Red Cross could not accomplish its mission of service during times of disaster. Without donated time, countless missions, foodbanks and shelters would not operate.

In parting, ponder this from the "Jaycee Creed", - " Service to humanity is the best work of life", and this from the "Scout Motto" - " Do a good turn daily".

Happy Holidays.

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