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I did't know what I was missing
Published on December 17, 2003 By Dynosoar In Home & Family
The lack of an ongoing business project has troubled me in the recent past. I have questioned my abilities, questioned my goals, and questioned my purpose in life.
It has now been 6 months since I discontinued using Paxil, I think the drug was doing more harm than good. Granted, I was a sad sack of crap when it was perscribed, it helped me to relax, and get my problems off my mind, but it helped get everything else off my mind as well. Living in a relative fog of bliss is not very productive, or conductive to participating in a family.
I am now beginning to see what I've been missing, not only during my depression period, but during my most productive and successful times as well.
I really enjoy making my daughter lunch and breakfast every morning. I pack her lunch due to diabetic dietary concerns, and carb counting is difficult to combine with variety. She alternates PB and no sugar J, with Tuna fish, and soups. Throw in fresh fruit, yogurt, and trail mix and you have the general idea.
Thank goodness Atkins is popular, it makes finding low carb goodies a lot easier.
I have even started slipping notes each morning into her lunch box ( I know, corny...) The notes have become fun too, some days it's a ego boosting positive note, some days it's a vocabulary word, and other days it's a primer for pig latin.
She hasn't said so, but I know she likes them, because if I miss writing one, she lets me know.

I got to chaparone a field trip too. Nothing like being the only adult male among 60 3rd graders and 10 of their mommies............

I have always participated in Scouting with my boys, but that had been the limit of my involvement with them, until they were old enough to work at our previous place of business.
My wife and I have always made a point of at least one of us being present when a child was participating in something. In the past it was usually her at the ball games, plays, and PTO programs. Not any more, Last season my teen son had a .335 batting average on his JV team. Home and away games, I was there.
This week I have the ornerous task of helping him study for final exams. He has found a website that compliments his text book so I have reviewed during the day while he's at school. The last few days have been filled with early modern history and Shakespeare ( can't public schools find some other work than Romeo and Juliet ?) I actually think he is enjoying our study time, only problem I have encountered is when I leave him to review I return to the desk with him playing Sim-city.
He's got the study material down cold .

Tonight I have made Lasagne with Italian sausage, all low-cal/low carb cheeses and pasta. My wife came home at lunch just in time to stop me from adding mushrooms. ( I like 'em) Anyway, it smells great.

I picked my daughter up from school and on the way home we cross over the river. From the bridge you can see the water going over the dam due to recent rains. She noticed and commented, I noticed, and realized that the overlook was just around the corner. I also realized I had the time to turn around, and take her to the overlook. She noted the rushing water, trees growing from between the rocks below, moss and lechins growing on the rocks. It was amazing to see her take it all in, especially since we drive by twice every day. Then she got me good, " Thanks for stopping here daddy...."
The best deal I ever closed, the biggest check I ever got, pales in comparison to how that made me feel.

Now, have I "lost it", or have I "found it" ?
Maybe both..............

on Dec 17, 2003
that IS the biggest deal you've ever closed